Distt. Yamuna Nagar, Haryana-135133
A scientific temperament is nurtured through fully equipped and suitably designed laboratories for BIOLOGY students. Students are encouraged to use the facilities for enhancing their innovative and scientific skills. Observation and experiments make learning more interesting, effective and fun. Biology lab is well equipped with: Models, Biovisual charts, slides and a smart interactive board for enhancing the teaching learning process and this also emphasize on developing scientific temper among the students. Lab is also well furnished with furniture and having performing area for students. Performing experiment is an interactive task, Students enjoy it as they learn something new from the results. Students of class IX to XII are guided for practicals. Occasionally students of other classes also make use of Biology lab for various activities related to General Science, which help them to learn new concepts that they have always being thinking about. So our Biology Lab is giving the perfect atmosphere to all students to blossom as Scientific blooms.
DAV Centenary Public School, Radaur
Near Power House, Radaur, Distt. Yamuna Nagar, Haryana-135133 Contact No.: 01732-284002, 70272-82482 Email: davpsradaur@yahoo.com Website: www.davpsr.in